Indirect Water Bath Heaters

  • Indirect heating is the safest way to heat hydrocarbons, ensuring combustible gases are warmed by an inert heat medium, typically propylene or ethylene glycol, rather than direct contact with a flame or flame-heated component. Line heaters, dew point heaters, bath heater, indirect heater.

  • Sizes ranging from 0.05 to 20 MM btu/hr

  • Natural or forced draft, low and ultra low NOx burner options

  • Outfitted with PLC based combustion control with process automation, configurable burner management solutions or standard burner controls

  • Uses: natural gas or crude oil heating, gas vaporization, condensate stabilization, fuel gas dewpoint control, city gate station metering and regulation.

  • Simple bath control, to blending and bypass configurations, solar panels, high thermally efficient firetube designs, sound mitigating enclosures to weather tight enclosures for instrument and fuel train protection.

  • C5 has you covered for all your water bath heater needs


Glycol Dehydration

  • Glycol Gas Dehydration is a process to remove water vapor from natural gas through an absorption process, with a liquid desiccant, typically triethylene glycol (TEG). When natural gas is compressed or cooled, water vapor can convert to a liquid or solid phase.  Liquid water can accelerate corrosion and reduce gas transmission efficiency.  Water, in the solid state, forms icy hydrates, which can plug valves, fittings and even gas lines. To prevent these difficulties, some of the water vapor must be removed from the gas stream before it is transported in transmission lines.

  • C5 offers glycol contactors with high efficiency structured packing, random packing, and/or bubble cap trays, with large dewpoint depression capabilities. Glycol tower, contactor tower, regeneration skid. Reboiler.

  • Standard gas outlet specifications call for a maximum content of 7 lb (H20) per MMscf (gas), with typical pipeline specifications being 4 – 7 lb/MMscf. With unique experience dehydrating even hard to treat scenarios (high gas temperatures and low pressures), C5 stands alone in natural gas dehydration.

  • C5 also has a full line of emission abatement equipment, including enclosed flares, thermal oxidizers and other BTEX elimination units.


Molecular Sieve / Solid Desiccant

  • Dehydrate water rich natural gas, pure and mixed natural gas liquids (NGLs) to ultra low water contents (<1ppmw). The process stream comes into direct contact with a solid desiccant and moisture (along with other contaminants) adheres to the surface of the desiccant. The process is called adsorption, water molecules bonding to the solid desiccant, which contrasts to the absorption process of a liquid desiccant (glycol dehydration).

  • Automated valve switching skids are provided for bed regeneration via a slip-stream of hot dry gas or a pressure swing cycle.

  • Upon breakthrough (desiccant saturation) the solid bed needs to be regenerated to remove the moisture. Typically, this means bringing another adsorber tower online so that process flow is not interrupted. Valve switching and positioning needs to be confirmed before bringing on a new adsorber.

  • Common desiccants include alumino-silicate gels, molecular sieves and activated aluminas. Process flows must be absent of any “free” water, dust and particulates that would damage the dessicant bed and inlet separation and/or coalescence and filtration is required.


Filter Separation & Coalescers

  • Filter separators are designed for high gas/low liquid flow operations and are typically employed upstream and downstream of gas turbines, compressors, and glycol regeneration units. The principal contaminants removed in filter separators are mill scale, rust, dust, paraffins, resin and asphaltenes.

  • Typical particulate flow is outside to inside and particle removal can be from 0.3 micron to 5 microns.

  • Coalescing filter separators remove liquid from a natural gas stream at a higher efficiency rate than typical gas scrubbers. The main liquid contaminants removed in coalescing filters are water, hydrocarbons, and compressor lube oils. Liquid droplet removal requires coalescing the liquid prior to separation and typical flow is inside to outside.

  • Systematic removal of contaminants with a C5 coalescing filter separator will prevent costly problems with downstream equipment and decrease future downtime.

  • Our proprietary and innovative C5 filter separators are available in horizontal, vertical and double barrel configurations to achieve ultra-high contaminant removal efficiencies and maintain maximum throughputs with minimal pressure drop.


Fuel Gas Conditioning

  • C5 provides equipment to treat natural gas for use as fuel for turbines, condition gas upstream of measurement/regulation stations, control hydrocarbon dewpoints or maximize combustion efficiencies.

  • Filter separators (to remove entrained liquid and/or solid particles), indirect water bath heaters (to add heat to avoid hydrate formation) and valve skids (to regulate pressure) are all used in natural gas metering and regulation (M&R) stations to condition, regulate, analyze and measure gas coming off pipelines and into smaller line and distribution systems.

  • C5 also manufactures gas treatment skids to improve the recovery of natural gas liquids upstream of processing plants or to meet pipeline specified BTU values. Where pressure available, our auto-refrigeration (JT) skids attain suitable dewpoint control or where suitable pressure drop is not available, our mechanical refrigeration units cool the natural gas stream with a refrigerant to achieve NGL stabilization or HHVs.

  • Accommodating and adaptable custom engineered solutions, designed for a broad range of inlet gas compositions that maximize flow rates and turndowns, C5 is second to none in natural gas treatment

Gas Conditioning Unit